Root Canal Therapy in South Los Angeles, CA

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root Canal Therapy in South Los Angeles, often simply referred to as a 'root canal', is a dental procedure aimed at treating infection at the center of a tooth. This infection is usually caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and invade the tooth when tooth decay occurs, leaky fillings are present, or teeth are damaged by trauma, such as a fall. The treatment involves removing the bacteria from the infected root canal, preventing reinfection, and saving the natural tooth.

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Did you know…

mouth icon

A root canal is not a painful procedure; it actually relieves tooth pain!

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The Root Canal Therapy Treatment Process

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Diagnosis and Anesthesia

The first step in root canal therapy is a thorough examination of the tooth by our dentist in South Los Angeles. This includes X-rays to determine the extent of the infection. Once the need for root canal therapy has been confirmed, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area and ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure.

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Cleaning and Shaping

Once the area is numb, a small hole is drilled into the tooth to access the root canal. Specialized dental instruments are then used to clean the infected pulp from the root canal and shape it for filling. This step is critical in ensuring all bacteria are removed to prevent future infections.

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Filling and Sealing

After the root canal has been thoroughly cleaned and shaped, it is filled with a biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha. The filling is then sealed with adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canal. In most cases, a temporary filling is placed to close the opening until a permanent restoration like a crown is placed.

The Benefits Of Root Canal Therapy

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Pain Relief

One of the most immediate benefits of root canal therapy is pain relief. The procedure effectively removes the source of the toothache, which is the infected pulp. Once the pulp is removed and the area is cleaned and sealed, patients typically experience significant relief from pain.

Saving the Natural Tooth

Root canal therapy is a tooth-saving procedure. It allows for the preservation of the natural tooth, as opposed to having to extract it. This means you can maintain your natural smile, continue eating the foods you love, and limit the need for ongoing dental work.

Prevents Spread of Infection

By removing the infected pulp, root canal therapy also prevents the spread of infection to adjacent teeth and the jawbone. This is crucial in maintaining overall oral health and preventing further complications.

Did you know…

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Root canal therapy has a success rate of over 95%!